阿开 2022-08-18 08:30:47 20672 0 0 0 0




[SEO信息] [Alexa信息]


Welcome to the dumbest publishing platform on the web.

Write something, hit publish, and it's live.

There's no tracking, ad-tech, webfonts, analytics, javascript, cookies, databases, user accounts, comments, friending, likes, follower counts or other quantifiers of social capital. The only practical way for anyone to find out about a posting is if the author links to it elsewhere.

But it is legible, no-nonsense static hypertext, good for short stories, not-short-enough tweets and adventures and all your numbers station or internet dead drop needs. Here you can scream into the void and know the form of your voice is out there forever.

Search engines are instructed not to index posts and I'll do my best to make sure this isn't used as a tool by spammers or other abusers. Nonetheless, posting will be turned off if anything bad grows out of it.

Use basic Markdown to format posts: #header, **bold**, *italic*, `code`, >quote, and hyperlinks in the format [link](http://example.com). Try !hacker and !professor and !timestamp too.

Many thanks go to Ken Snider, @zemnmez, Ben Overmyer, Johannes Kr?ger, Manu (who posted a German translation of this page) and the others.

Long live the independent web!







使用基本标记来设置帖子的格式:#标题、**粗体**、*斜体*、`code`、>引号和格式为[link]的超链接(http://example.com). 尝试黑客和黑客!教授和!时间戳也是。



Tag: 趣味 英文网站
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